Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!! Though it's gonna be over soon...

Pictures taken during Blaze AGM 2007 and Year End Carnival are now available for download at the following URLs.

AGM 2007.zip (74.25MB) - http://www.mediafire.com/?9da1ddw0fyu
Year End Carnival.zip (66.32MB) - http://www.mediafire.com/?ciy0dtnho3g

And here are some of the pictures you'll find in the AGM 2007.zip folder...

Ruiwen & Cheryl, please attempt to smile in future group photos. :D

And since they were so afraid of showing their faces... all the more these pictures should be published. That's the paparazzi's spirit. :DD

Hope you all had a fun Christmas. See you at training on 4th January!


Leaving 2007

Hi All-

Please note that Trainings for 2007 has ended as of this post.

Business will Resume on 01.04.2008, Friday @ 7.45p.m

Tree Tops please ensure notification reaches your Branches.

Have a kickass Christmas and a super New Year !


Going on to 2008

If you missed this year's AGM (held on 16th December), here's an overview.

Appointed coaches are JingQing, RongZhen, MeiXin and YiZhen. - CLAP!

Treasurer will remain as RongZhen. - CLAP!

Julynn has stepped down from her managerial position, and we warmly welcome our new Managers, YiZhen and Jacqueline Long. - CLAP!

Joan is sadly still stuck in the Logistics department (for the third year running), with a new handy helper, Amanda. - CLAP!

PLAYERS WHO HAVE ANY BIBS IN THEIR POSSESSION, please hand yourself (and/or the bibs) in ASAP.

Welfare committee will be taken charge by WeiQi & Adeline. - CLAP!

Team Captains for Year 2008: JingQing (Blaze 1), Joan (Blaze 2), Nicola & Valerie (Flame). - CLAP!

We also welcome aboard our two new players, Tiffany and HuiYu. - CLAP!


Funds are to be paid every 3rd Friday of the month. Blaze funds remain at $15/mth despite the 7% GST hike. Flame girls are to pay $5/mth, excluding examination months.

Training will commence at 7.45pm every Friday (unless notified). Players are to attend punctually. If you will be late/absent, please notify the coaches/managers.

Students are allowed to apply for study leave starting 2 weeks before their first paper. Any other circumstances are subject to the coaches' deliberation. All leave applications are to be submitted via email. If you haven't received the updated copy of the Blaze list, please contact YiZhen (nehziyeew@yahoo.com.sg).

Last but not least, the updated calling tree. Click to view at full size.



Since people have been commenting that there have been no updates, here's an update for updating's sake.

Please note that the Blaze Annual General Meeting is to be held on the 16th of December, at the Multi-Purpose Hall at Kallang Netball Centre, from 3pm to 7pm.

Players participating in the Year End Carnival, please be ready for warm up by 8.15am. You will attend the AGM as scheduled, unless you have informed the coaches/manager of your absence.

And don't forget to bring along your present for your secret buddy!
If you haven't prepared it yet, it is my pleasure to inform you that you have THREE days left to get it. If by now you still have no idea who your buddy is, please contact YiZhen ASAP. Happy shopping~

See ya'll on Sunday! :D


Pay up......

Hey dearest teammates. Please pay up the funds. Though i know it's my fault for my chasing after u all for it. Our manager is going to kill me for it. so please pay up fast. U can transfer to my posb savings acct. or pass to me during training. Please sms me if u do a bank transfer. As for the team attire and training tee payment, im not sure how much yet. so hold for that. but funds 1st. Thank You! Sorry Jiaomei, Liting and Pui Yee, the namelist is too long so ur name is cut of. But u still have to pay dun worry. :)

The blaze primary school carnival will be held on the 3rd or 4th week of Jan (Saturday) as most of our people are not free to help out on 11th. Open players away for World Champs, NTU & NUS having exams. So please keep the saturaday of the 2 weeks free. I will confirm the dates with you once i can. If any of you wan to volunteer to organise the carnival let me know too. If not you will see arrows shooting around from me. ;p


Happy Birthday, SiJia

Maybe you're busy eating mooncakes or walking through the gardens holding a lantern, but while you're indulging in the heat of the Mid-Autumn Festival, here's something you probably didn't notice...

It's SiJia's birthday today, and it's her 21st at that! Happy Birthday Sijia~

Please forgive my overuse of sparkles, I was having too much fun. In apology, here's another shot of the dazzling birthday girl. :)

Just to mention, our dearest YiZhen has also turned 21 this year. Although it is regretful to say that The Blaze Lounge did not manage to witness her step into adulthood. But it's all right, your turn is coming soon again, YiZhen!! I'll give you a bigger post the coming April. XD

Oh yes, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, folks.


Netball Superstar

This is belated news, but better late than never, yeah?

Warmest congratulations to our very own Chen HuiFen for clinching the MVP title at the recent 5 Nations Netball Cup which was held in Singapore. You know, the one where Singapore won? I guess that doesn't really help, but you know which one I'm talking about, right?

Not a very recent picture, since I don't have any of HuiFen's recent photos in my possession, but she's always been looking great so I suppose it doesn't make a very big difference right? :D

HuiFen~!!! 我们永远支持你!
And of course, let's also not forget our other brilliant players who are also putting in their best to bring pride to our country (and of course to BLAZE), Vanessa, HuiYan, QingYi, and LiLing. Congratulations to the five of them for making into the World Netball Championship 2007 team. All the best! While not many of us can make it to New Zealand to witness the event, we'll definitely be rooting for you girls back here in sunny Singapore. :)

The championships will be commencing this November in New Zealand.


Coaches' Day :)

It's halfway through September already here's the first update for this month. After a one-month long break, Blaze is finally back in action and on the courts. Training was light and fun-filled last night, mainly focusing on toning up our abdominal muscles, and it ended with yet another abdominal exercise... cake eating.

A small celebration for our beloved coaches was in store at the end of training. Not known to a majority of us, it was Coaches' Day yesterday. Presenting, the four great beauties of Blaze: RongZhen, JingQing, Imelda and Julynn.

Online Videos by Veoh.com

Pictures taken (though few and rather unprofessional) can be viewed HERE and downloaded HERE
Videoclips are available for download HERE, though there's nothing much to see unless you like watching Adeline or Imelda doing some serious abdominal exercises. The video shown above can be downloaded from the video hosting site HERE

And while we're still on the topic of our coaches, here's an article featuring our dearest Coach JingQing, who is also one of the top umpires in Singapore, published in the September 2007 issue of the Netball newsletter. Do check it out if you haven't seen it before :)

Until next time!



Hi there and welcome to the Blaze Lounge once again.
Just a simple update this time round.

Pesta Sukan Round 2 Pictures are up (FINALLY!).
To see more of Meixin (and our other players) in action, CLICK HERE to go to our album.

All files are available for download OVER HERE.
Please note that the .zip files for Round 2 (a total of six) are really large so it may take awhile to download.
It seemed that our equipment manager Miss J Long decided to set her camera on high resolution that day, so the files are really large.

Last but not least, please take note of the updated Calling Tree. Obviously you can't see the text at this size, so be sure to click on the image to view it at full size.



Pesta Sukan Carnival 2007

Finally, after 3 gruelling weekends, the Pesta Sukan carnival has come to an end. This year, we sent one team to the annual event. A ridiculously unbalanced team, yet managing to pull through the matches and emerging amongst the tops of the carnival.

And now for the introduction... our team consisted of SEVEN defenders. Yes, SEVEN. Meixin, Jac, Yizhen, Joan, Kangli, Liting and Rongzhen. SEVEN. As shown in the picture evidence, we put all seven of our defenders on court during one of our matches and amazingly we managed to pull the stunt off, not only successfully claiming a spot into the second round of matches, but also successfully amusing ourselves.

Of course, it is impossible to be without attackers in a team. Our FOUR precious attackers. Weiqi, Aili, Christine and Huilin, discussing strategies on court before the match starts.

Quoting Weiqi, the carnival was utterly unfair due to the ridiculous double knockout system in the second round, requiring us to play a seemingly endless row of matches in the horribly hot weather. At the end of the event, most of us were seriously shagged. A few of our players sustained injuries, but thankfully none of which were physically disabling.

Like during most carnivals, we just sit around and complain about the terrible weather, the inefficient running of the event... but this year we implemented a new form of entertainment. Photography! You can run, but you can't hide~ our photographers are professional. :) This is what happens when you try to hide from the camera... you get even more amusing photos of yourself. ^_^V

Last but not least, three cheers to Blaze, for coming in Third position in this year's Pesta Sukan Carnival.

All photos can be viewed at http://s231.photobucket.com/albums/ee77/blazenetball/
.zip downloads available at http://blaze.4shared.com/

Note: Pesta Sukan Round 1.zip includes ALL pics. Misc photos include funny shots, off-court shots, and also some individual shots. Only round 1 pictures available at the moment. Round 2 pictures to be added soon.


Match Report: Blaze VS Winderoo

10th August 2007, Friday night, Friendly match against Winderoo Senior High School (Australia)

So, we had this friendly match against the Aussies this evening. It was certainly an eye-opener, be it for the juniors or the seniors. I'm certain that even our senior team had the experience of their lives. Great game girls!!

For those of you who missed training tonight, and thus missing the match, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU MISSED. Because honestly, there wasn't much to miss. Except for a few new penalties that we learnt about and should be aware of in our upcoming games. Penalties such as 'Contact on the foot', 'Holding for space (for attackers)', 'Holding when you're two feet away from the opponent (for defenders)', and 'Obstruction because you're flying past in the air' are such serious penalties and should be avoided at all costs, for commiting such penalties would only tarnish our team's reputation of being a clean team.

It is regretful that our worthy opponents did not seem to appreciate our best behavior, but it was a great game nonetheless. While our attackers were very much hindered by the extremely accurate calls from the Aussie umpires, we managed to put up a good fight to come back with an optimistic result of 48-27 (senior team) in our favour.

We sympathize with the few Aussie players who injured themselves in the course of giving their all for the match, and we sincerely hope they recover soon. So that they can be comfortable and well enough to pack up and return back to their beautiful country in time for their busy schedules.

While our considerate coaches did prepare souvenirs for our visitors, we definitely lacked the personal touch in our gifts. The girls from Winderoo put in such great effort to express their gratitude, presenting Blaze with a lovely handmade card with their handwritten greetings.

And while all our players certainly performed to their best while trying to keep themselves penalty-free, the most outstanding player of the night was definitely our beloved Discipline Mistress, Miss Yeo Wei Qi. The usual mid-court player took on new challenges tonight and took up the position of Goal Keeper, effectively rendering herself as the shortest GK in Blaze history. Small in size but big in performance, Wei Qi intercepted numerous passes in the goal circle despite facing an opponent who was a head taller than she is.

Three cheers for WEI QI!
Three cheers for BLAZE!


Match Reminder

Details for the friendly matches against the Australian teams on Friday (10th August 2007):

6.45PM Game
Who?: Juniors
When?: 6PM - Ready for warm up
Where?: Kallang Netball Centre
What?: White sleeveless top + Dark coloured shorts

8.15PM Game

Who?: Seniors
When?: 7.30PM - Ready for warm up
Where?: Kallang Netball Centre
What?: White sleeveless top + Black skirt


The Shoes [Part 1]

I apologize for the disappointment if you have been looking forward to the pictures taken at the Pesta Sukan Carnival 2007. Existing technical problems (i.e. Miss J Long) are delaying the process of publication.

For now, kindly entertain yourselves by testing your knowledge on your fellow teammates' shoes/socks/ankles. :)

Feel free to make guesses or discussions on the tagboard or in the comments section.
Shoes displayed in pictures are accurate as at 16th June 2007.

Please continue to look forward to the publication of the Pesta Sukan pictures, it will get up here someday. I promise.

For those who would like to be on the management crew of the Blaze Lounge, kindly leave your email address either in a tag or in a comment. Your request will be processed shortly.

Have a nice day and see you at training on Friday~ ^^



Model featured: Miss Huang Meixin
Photography & editing: Joan C
Equipment: J Long