Going on to 2008

If you missed this year's AGM (held on 16th December), here's an overview.

Appointed coaches are JingQing, RongZhen, MeiXin and YiZhen. - CLAP!

Treasurer will remain as RongZhen. - CLAP!

Julynn has stepped down from her managerial position, and we warmly welcome our new Managers, YiZhen and Jacqueline Long. - CLAP!

Joan is sadly still stuck in the Logistics department (for the third year running), with a new handy helper, Amanda. - CLAP!

PLAYERS WHO HAVE ANY BIBS IN THEIR POSSESSION, please hand yourself (and/or the bibs) in ASAP.

Welfare committee will be taken charge by WeiQi & Adeline. - CLAP!

Team Captains for Year 2008: JingQing (Blaze 1), Joan (Blaze 2), Nicola & Valerie (Flame). - CLAP!

We also welcome aboard our two new players, Tiffany and HuiYu. - CLAP!


Funds are to be paid every 3rd Friday of the month. Blaze funds remain at $15/mth despite the 7% GST hike. Flame girls are to pay $5/mth, excluding examination months.

Training will commence at 7.45pm every Friday (unless notified). Players are to attend punctually. If you will be late/absent, please notify the coaches/managers.

Students are allowed to apply for study leave starting 2 weeks before their first paper. Any other circumstances are subject to the coaches' deliberation. All leave applications are to be submitted via email. If you haven't received the updated copy of the Blaze list, please contact YiZhen (nehziyeew@yahoo.com.sg).

Last but not least, the updated calling tree. Click to view at full size.

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