Happy 2008 :)

Hello, and while it is slightly late to say this, Happy New Year to all. Multi-purpose first post of the year!

First off, to wish Phoa Huilin (6th Jan) an advanced Happy Birthday! May you have a wonderful time celebrating while many of the rest of us are melting under the sweltering sun (or trapped at KNC waiting for the rain to stop AGAIN).

Secondly, last minute reminder to all players taking part in the Daisy Tan Carnival held on Huilin's birthday, which is tomorrow.
Players are to be ready for warm-up by 8.15am.
If you are still unsure of what attire to wear, please contact RongZhen (Blaze 1) or Joan (Blaze 2) like NOW.

All right, that's all for today. Have fun, everyone. :)

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